• Tim Long Consulting


  • About Me


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    Hey there, my name is Tim and Tim Long Consulting is my brand.

    I am a coach, consultant, husband, father, friend and family member.


    I exist to help others understand our human conditions of living and thriving.

    Whether it be in conversation, business venture, or simply an excellent hike,

    I am here to breathe life into the world.


    Don't hesitate to reach out and start a conversation!




    "If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm." - African Proverb

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    Gary Bishop

    In very real terms we are all Philosophers in one way or another, that is we all, from time to time, engage with thinking about life and it's greater meaning. I've spent the last ten years of my life engaging with some of Philosophies most thought provoking and challenging ideas and discovering whole new ways to deliver them to people to use in their real, everyday lives. Urban Philosophy is real world answers for real people to use in their real lives.


    Drop me a line, Ask a question, or simply say hello